Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Yuengling-----Beer not Chinese Food

I can't help but share this. Yuengling beer was made in my neck of the world. Pottsville, PA. America's oldest family owned brewery. In my younger day it was nothing but a local beer. Often considered to be the bottom of the line because it was local, yet, it had devoted followers. I am a fan of Yuengling beer. I used to visit PA and always (if driving) bring cases of the stuff home. A trend similar to Coors when it was unavailable in every state. Today Yuengling is available in 13 states due to great marketing by the family. How impressed I was when it became available in FL. How I snickered at a race track when folks wanted a beer but all they had was Yuengling.  When you're hard up you'll drink any beer. I always enjoyed when they returned to the counter and said, " Damn, that was good, I'll have another".

Here is a short video about the company,. recently on ABC news.

Sorry but you have to see the advertisement before you get to the good stuff.


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