Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Black Grouper with Tomato and Corn salad

When in Florida, how can you resist a grouper sandwich? It’s a staple here. I’ve had friends visit and eat grouper for every lunch and dinner for 4 days. They can’t get enough. Neither can I. The interesting thing is that grouper is not grouper. There are various kinds and a search on the internet will yield better info than I have but here goes. Correct me if I’m wrong.

The most common grouper is “red”. However there is also “Gag”, “Black”, “Scamp”, “Snowy”, and maybe even a few others. There is a season on grouper that might dictate what kind you get and when. The fish gets better and more expensive as you move down the line. My absolute fav is Snowy. Usually caught, at depths of more than 800 feet, off the coast of Cuba. To die for. Readily available probably in January and February when local restrictions apply to other varieties. In any event if you can get one of these varieties, don’t hesitate.

Tonight it’s black grouper pan seared with Panko and finished in the oven. No sauce or a mild ginger/lemongrass sauce on the side, or any other sauce that floats you boat. I served it with a salad of roasted kernels from corn on the cob, mixed with tomatoes and served with a garlic vinaigrette over farm raised organic red leaf lettuce.

Simple, light and enjoyable.

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