My favorite artist reminds me that looking back on what you cooked can, in fact, influence how you cook next time. She (Jean) must have directed that comment at her brother, Chef Pete'. Originally, she named the painting, "Your Hineness". Her husband suggested "Your Hindness". Chef Pete' wanted " Your Highness, Costco, Costco, Costco! " What can I say? Her sister Nanc, responded in a simply complimentary fashion. "Nice Ass" ! (Was she looking at me ?)
I just love the internal barbs and am thrilled that I can be a part of it.
Your H---ness
I think she's wondering if the grass is greener on the other side... I tell her,
"Whoa baby... just relax.. Life is GOOD right here!"
Our friends, family, and contributors
(l to r) --Nanc, VG, Sally, and (my fav artist) , Jean