Saturday, September 11, 2010


My favorite artist reminds me that looking back on what you cooked can, in fact, influence how you cook  next time.  She (Jean)  must have directed that comment at her brother, Chef Pete'.  Originally, she named the painting, "Your Hineness". Her husband suggested "Your Hindness". Chef Pete' wanted " Your Highness, Costco, Costco, Costco! "     What can I say?    Her sister Nanc, responded in a simply complimentary fashion. "Nice Ass" ! (Was she looking at me ?)
I just love the internal barbs and am thrilled that I can be a part of it.

Your H---ness
I think she's wondering if the grass is greener on the other side... I tell her,
"Whoa baby... just relax.. Life is GOOD right here!"

Our friends, family, and contributors
(l to r) --Nanc, VG, Sally, and (my fav artist) , Jean 

A Cooking Class for Pete'

Even the pros take lessons and learn from others. In this case, Chef's Pete' and Deb are invited to a cooking class! Are their friends telling them something? (No comment) I'm sure they were trying to learn how to emulate and experience a pros opinion.    Tonight they experienced many cooking techniques, such as using olive oil versus canola oil etc. The menu was 1) French Onion Soup, 2) Jambalya 3) Crepes with fresh berries.
Looked GREAT, analysis and comments were 4 Star, and  they would  do it again?  was  a plus. Enjoy the photos.  On a side note: Chef Pete' asked Chef David Moeller how he could go about getting a Chef's hat. He was told, " It must be earned "!

The group getting to know Chef Moeller
between  sips of wine

The cooking stations             

Having Fun

Chef Pete' sucking up (without a hat)

Anxious to get into the dessert