We recently hosted a family get together to celebrate a mother's 86th birthday. I should have taken a photo of the birthday cake topped with a votive candle (I got to lick the icing off the candle) but I was so into how much everyone like the Paloma cocktail that I forgot or perhaps the grapefruit juice was too strong and went to my head.
The condiments.... even a person as blind as The Blogmaster can figure it out.
The Bulldog wanted the burgers
Croatian Paloma cocktail........... what a hit!
3 ounces Vodka
2 ounces unsweetened Grapefruit Juice
2 ounces Fresca
Grapefruit chunk garnish
Served over ice in a highball glass
Chef Pete'
'It's not being on top of the mountain that matters as much as getting there. It's the journey as much as the destination.'