Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tapas to Blueberry Cream Pie

For those of you that follow the adventures of Chef Pete',  you will  undoubtedly understand the complexity of his gastronomic prowness and his editorial jibberish.  This is what I deal with, almost daily.   ENJOY.

     Chef Deb goes all out... or All in, depending on your point of view. C.D. went totally solo cooking in the Cucina.

     Her husband Chef Pete` (that's me) was missing in action ( on the Tennis court and swapping tall tales afterward, [no not tails]).
     Deb breaks all records with her Tapas. Try as the group might, we did not make a serious dent in the Spanish goodies.

Miss Deb sets a mean table serving
Spanish Costa Salad

Sugar Pants went out and picked fresh blueberries on Saturday morning. Then baked a wonderful Croatian Blueberry Pie. I got to excited & forgot to photograph the pie, it in its whole state. Note: the Blogmaster in the background shoveling another ladle of pie. I remember wondering whether or not, he was taking time to breathe (I guess he was).

The Blogmaster attempts to train the Un-trainable Rrriso
(75 pounds of bull headedness).

The dog training was uneventful.... so we turned to guest videographer Renee Safrata's Croatian Bike Trip dvd. The young gal's work transported the group magically back to the Dalmatian Coast. What a talent.

We were honored to be included in the
Reilly Saturday Date Night tradition.
RSDN is a sacred ritual w/ the two love birds.

The cooking spatulas are now in my court,
Chef Pete` (ska Black Elk)

Blueberry Cream Pie

1 cup sour cream
2 T. flour
3/4 C. sugar
1 tsp.vanilla
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg beaten
2 1/2 C. thawed blueberries
1 uncooked pie shell
3 T. flour
1/2 c.brown sugar
3 T. softened marg.
3 T. chopped pecans

Combine first 6 ingredients. Beat 5 min. Fold in blueberries. Pour into 9" unbaked pastry shell and bake at 400 for 25 min.

Combine topping ingredients. Sprinkle over top of pie. Bake 10 min. Chill before serving.

Tips: I used a small package of "nut topping", Kroger brand. I did not chill. Might have preferred to serve it hot with ice cream.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Summer Birthday Party

   We recently hosted a family get together to celebrate a mother's 86th birthday. I should have taken a photo of the birthday cake topped with a votive candle (I got to lick the icing off the candle) but I was so into how much everyone like the Paloma cocktail that I forgot or perhaps the grapefruit juice was too strong and went to my head.

The condiments.... even a person as blind as The Blogmaster can figure it out.

The Bulldog wanted the burgers

Croatian Paloma cocktail........... what a hit!

3 ounces Vodka
2 ounces unsweetened Grapefruit Juice
2 ounces Fresca
Grapefruit chunk garnish
Served over ice in a highball glass

Chef Pete'
'It's not being on top of the mountain that matters as much as getting there. It's the journey as much as the destination.'

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ladies Luncheon in Memphis

Every once in a while these ladies get together to swap stories, tell lies, complain about their husbands, eat good food and play bridge. I've never been there but I'm told by my wife, Chef Barb and others that it is a fun time. When I'm there, Chef Jim and I, are long gone before the "girls" arrive and the "girls" are usually gone before we return. This is the latest from Chef Barb.


You asked for it!!

For starters upon arrival at 10 - the girls are never late!
The Barefoot Contessa's Sticky Buns
Cinnamon Crumble Coffee
Homemade Lemonade
Assorted Soft Drinks

Play Bridge - Table Snacks of course.

Gazpacho with Toasted Croutons
Margarita Shrimp (Yummie as can be)
Mini Tacos  (OMG)

Pavlova for dessert
More Bridge with More Table Snack.

Chef B said, "Recipes upon request."

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Chef Pete's Mom gives a dinner party

A nice surprise for this Fourth of July. I received a note from a great supporter who has taken it to another level. She has now drawn a line in the sand and is challenging another chef.  I say Bravo. 
Go Girl......   The story  as fiollows:

    Been taking lessons from Chef Pete's wife.

Salmon, corn pudding, pickled beets, steamed asparagus
with red pepper strips and Zucchini bread

Fresh raspberries on mango sorbet with ginger snaps

Chef Pete' responds with:
     Great Plating!
     Great Sorbet!